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/ 3 ratings

A complete e-book library manager

Kovid Goyal |
updated on March 28, 2025
204.1mb | free


A powerful e-book converter
A never-ending list of features and options
Great sharing and Export/Import tools


The UI may not be up to everyone's liking
Price: $
calibre is a complete e-book library manager that is incredibly well-equipped in terms of features, optimization, and user interface. When we think about e-book managers in Windows, there is frankly not a lot of them. calibre is a breath of fresh air in the sense that it comes with tons of features, settings, and a colorful UI.

Awesome UI

If you start using calibre today, the first thing that you will notice is the highly intuitive and colorful user interface. Now, we agree that sometimes we simply want just a user interface with nothing extra. This is the exact opposite of that as it has many colors, feels, and it has a lot going on.

The good part is that even if you don't like it, you can always go into the settings and change the Appearance as you please.

Tons of Features that you can modify

calibre comes with a list of features that is simply too long to list down, let alone describe them. With features for the change of Appearance to the options for converting e-books and then Import/Export as well as sharing, calibre is extremely well-equipped in that regard.

In calibre, you can change the look & feel, and behavior of the application, add your columns, toolbars & menus, and search. And that's only one section of the Settings named 'Interface'. There are 4 other sections namely Conversion, Import/Export, Sharing, and Advanced.

Most of them are self-explanatory, while Advanced has the options for Tweaks, Plugins, and Miscellaneous.

E-book reader, converter, and manager - all in one

calibre comes with this functionality built-in. Since it is an e-book library manager, it provides the users with a powerful converter, reader, and organizer. While the Organizer is the main screen on which all your e-books are arranged and can be arranged, the Reader and Converter are available once you have opened your e-books.

For the converter, you can choose to convert your e-books from one file format to another which is supported on your devices. For the readers, there are many options such as Full-Screen mode for great reading, size and font options, and so much more.


calibre is a fantastic e-book library management tool that provides users with a host of useful options and a colorful UI. While some people may not prefer the colors of the UI, nothing else is there to complain about, and hence, calibre gets full marks for designing and creating such a well-equipped tool for e-book management.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

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